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Quotes about Krishnamurti



“Here is one man of our time who may be said to be master of reality.”

– Henry Miller


“J. Krishnamurti is always fresh, he is always surprising. I doubt if a cliché has ever passed his lips.”

– John Stewart Collis, Sunday Telegraph


“Krishnamurti’s observations and explorations of modern man’s estate are penetrating and profound, yet given with a disarming simplicity and directness. To listen to him or to read his thoughts is to face oneself and the world with an astonishing morning freshness.”

– Anne Morrow Lindbergh


“Krishnamurti examines with characteristic objectivity and insight the expressions of what we are pleased to call our culture, our education, religion, politics and tradition; and he throws much light on such basic emotions as ambition, greed and envy, the desire for security and the lust for power—all of which he shows to be deteriorating factors in human society. According to Krishnamurti, real culture is neither a matter of breeding, nor of learning, nor of talent, nor even of genius, but it is what he calls “the timeless movement to find happiness, God, truth.” And “when this movement is blocked by authority, by tradition, by fear, there is decay,” regardless of the gifts or the accomplishments of any particular individual, race or civilization.”

– D. Rajagopal


“Perhaps we would have to go back to Gautama to find another teacher as convincingly austere, as rationally lucid and who, offering nothing but liberation from the self, yet can bring conviction to those who have so often been disappointed.”

– Dr Gerald Heard


“The most impressive thing I have listened to… such power, such intrinsic authority.”

– Aldous Huxley (of a talk given by K)


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