you speak to us about tile practice of living intuitively from the heart? Do not be a person. Do not
be anything. Having intellectually understood that you arc no one, live
according to this knowledge. Later on, when the idea or sensation of being a
person no longer deludes you, you spontaneously live this truth from the
fullness of the heart, be it in the presence of body-mind activity, be it in
the absence of such activity. At
this point, am I in right relationship with myself and will, the world? Yes. You are in right
relationship, which is that of inclusion. The world as well as your body and
your mind are included in your true self. Love is inclusion. Intellectual
understanding is an intermediate step, but the final destination, the true
center, is the heart. * To receive a detailed
schedule of events with Francis Lucille or a list of books, audio-tapes and video-tapes, please
contact B. Osawa, 2073 Monticello Road, Napa, CA 94558. Phone and Fax: (707)
257-6752 • E-mail: lucille@telis.org. Back to the TopSiddha Yoga MeditationWe perform the Siddha Yoga practices to touch and expand the inner mystical state, until over time we become established in our experience of oneness with God. Each of the practices gives
us another taste of our essential nature -- the serenity and heightened
awareness of meditation
or the sweetness and joy of chanting,
for example. Each practice develops our virtues such as detachment and love from
serving selflessly,
and generosity from offering dakshina.
Continuous study
and contemplation of the teachings provides the understanding of our
experiences and inspires us to delve deeper. Each of us finds our own unique
combination of these practices according to our own inner wisdom. The mystery of the Siddha
Yoga practices is that they are enlivened with the awakened energy of the Siddha
Yoga Guru. Thus our own effort is magnified as we apply ourselves to the
practices. Many Siddha Yoga students
also discover that performing the practices with a community
of seekers, at Siddha Yoga meditation centers, ashrams, and retreats,
enhances the effect of the practices. Through right effort in the
practices, supported by grace and good company, we continually step closer to
living a truly spiritual life. The
Siddha Yoga Message for 2001 Approach the
present Website: http://www.siddhayoga.org Back to the TopAlpha and Omega, the beginning and the end: the wink of a timeless Moment. The universe is its story told in space-time. It is our story, because this universe-story is the form taken by the Gaze of the Eternal and we are nothing less than that Pure Gaze. Welcome to Omalpha, the site
of Jean Bouchart d’Orval. You will find information on Jean and his
publications, the schedule of the meetings, some reflections in the form of an
ezine, and some magnificent texts, ancient and modern, that refer to the
Essential and beckon us to it. Dans ce jardin, on trouvera des textes qui se réfèrent au cœur de
l’existence. Certains se dressent comme des arbres millénaires, d’autres
surgissent tels des fleurs à peine écloses. Mais anciens ou modernes, de tels
textes ont jailli dans toutes sortes de contrées et traditions, ayant en commun
un même espace et un même sol nourricier.
Website: http://www.omalpha.com Back to the Top
Vedanta Society of PortlandFounder: Swami Prabhavananda (1893 - 1976)
sat viprah bahudha vadanti” - Rig-Veda “Truth is One. Sages call it by many names.” The Vedanta Society of
Portland is an accredited branch of the Ramakrishna
Order of India. Its Minister, Swami
Shantarupananda, is a monk of the Order. Vedanta
is a Sanskrit word which literally means “the end of the Vedas”- the Vedas
being the scriptures of the Hindus. The Center teaches the religion and
philosophy of Vedanta as it was taught and demonstrated by Sri
Ramakrishna (1836-1886), his wife and spiritual companion Sri
Sarada Devi (1853-1920), and his disciple Swami
Vivekananda (1863-1902.) Vedanta teaches that every soul is potentially
divine, and can realize that divinity through the yogas of devotion, meditation,
selfless work, and philosophical discrimination. According to Vedanta, Truth is
universal and all humankind and all existence are one. It accepts every faith as
a valid means for its own followers to realize the Truth. The Center offers
encouragement and guidance to spiritual seekers through lectures, readings,
discussions, publications, and personal guidance. Vedanta Society of Portland 1157 SE 55th Avenue,
Portland, Oregon 97215 For information, please call
or fax: + 1 (503) 235 3919 Website: http://www.vedantasociety.org The Vedanta Society of
Portland has a site on the World Wide Web at: http://www.cyberhighway.net/~vedanta Sri
Aurobindo’s Teaching and Method of Sadhana The teaching of Sri
Aurobindo starts from that of the ancient sages of India that behind the
appearances of the universe there is the Reality of a Being and Consciousness, a
Self of all things, one and eternal. All beings are united in that One Self and
Spirit but divided by a certain separativity of consciousness, an ignorance of
their true Self and Reality in the mind, life and body. It is possible by a
certain psychological discipline to remove this veil of separative consciousness
and become aware of the true Self, the Divinity within us and all. Sri Aurobindo’s teaching
states that this One Being and Consciousness is involved here in Matter.
Evolution is the method by which it liberates itself; consciousness appears in
what seems to be inconscient, and once having appeared is self-impelled to grow
higher and higher and at the same time to enlarge and develop towards a greater
and greater perfection. Life is the first step of this release of consciousness;
mind is the second; but the evolution does not finish with mind, it awaits a
release into something greater, a consciousness which is spiritual and
supramental. The next step of the evolution must be towards the development of
Supermind and Spirit as the dominant power in the conscious being. For only then
will the involved Divinity in things release itself entirely and it become
possible for life to manifest perfection. But while the former steps
in evolution were taken by Nature without a conscious will in the plant and
animal life, in man Nature becomes able to evolve by a conscious will in the
instrument. It is not, however, by the mental will in man that this can be
wholly done, for the mind goes only to a certain point and after that can only
move in a circle. A conversion has to be made, a turning of the consciousness by
which mind has to change into the higher principle. This method is to be found
through the ancient psychological discipline and practice of Yoga. In the past,
it has been attempted by a drawing away from the world and a disappearance into
the height of the Self or Spirit. Sri Aurobindo teaches that a descent of the
higher principle is possible which will not merely release the spiritual Self
out of the world, but release it in the world, replace the mind’s ignorance or
its very limited knowledge by a supramental Truth-Consciousness which will be a
sufficient instrument of the inner Self and make it possible for the human being
to find himself dynamically as well as inwardly and grow out of his still animal
humanity into a diviner race. The psychological discipline of Yoga can be used
to that end by opening all the parts of the being to a conversion or
transformation through the descent and working of the higher still concealed
supramental principle. This, however, cannot be
done at once or in a short time or by any rapid or miraculous transformation.
Many steps have to be taken by the seeker before the supramental descent is
possible. Man lives mostly in his surface mind, life and body, but there is an
inner being within him with greater possibilities to which he has to awake - for
it is only a very restricted influence from it that he receives now and that
pushes him to a constant pursuit of a greater beauty, harmony, power and
knowledge. The first process of Yoga is therefore to open the ranges of this
inner being and to live from there outward, governing his outward life by an
inner light and force. In doing so he discovers in himself his true soul which
is not this outer mixture of mental, vital and physical elements but something
of the Reality behind them, a spark from the one Divine Fire. He has to learn to
live in his soul and purify and orientate by its drive towards the Truth the
rest of the nature. There can follow afterwards an opening upward and descent of
a higher principle of the Being. But even then it is not at once the full
supramental Light and Force. For there are several ranges of consciousness
between the ordinary human mind and the supramental Truth-Consciousness. These
intervening ranges have to be opened up and their power brought down into the
mind, life and body. Only afterwards can the full power of the
Truth-Consciousness work in the nature. The process of this self-discipline or
Sadhana is therefore long and difficult, but even a little of it is so much
gained because it makes the ultimate release and perfection more possible. There are many things
belonging to older systems that are necessary on the way - an opening of the
mind to a greater wideness and to the sense of the Self and the Infinite, an
emergence into what has been called the cosmic consciousness, mastery over the
desires and passions; an outward asceticism is not essential, but the conquest
of desire and attachment and a control over the body and its needs, greeds and
instincts are indispensable. There is a combination of the principles of the old
systems, the way of knowledge through the mind’s discernment between Reality
and the appearance, the heart’s way of devotion, love and surrender and the
way of works turning the will away from motives of self-interest to the Truth
and the service of a greater Reality than the ego. For the whole being has to be
trained so that it can respond and be transformed when it is possible for that
greater Light and Force to work in the nature. In this discipline, the
inspiration of the Master, and in the difficult stages his control and his
presence are indispensable – for it would be impossible otherwise to go
through it without much stumbling and error which would prevent all chance of
success. The Master is one who has risen to a higher consciousness and being and
he is often regarded as its manifestation or representative. He not only helps
by his teaching and still more by his influence and example but by a power to
communicate his own experience to others. This is Sri Aurobindo’s
teaching and method of practice. It is not his object to develop any one
religion or to amalgamate the older religions or to found any new religion - for
any of these things would lead away from his central purpose. The one aim of his
Yoga is an inner self-development by which each one who follows it can in time
discover the One Self in all and evolve a higher consciousness than the mental,
a spiritual and supramental consciousness which will transform and divinise
human nature. August, 1934 Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library, Vol. 26, “Sri Aurobindo on
Himself”, pp. 95-97. Website: http://www.miraura.org ![]() لماذا شمس الحقيقة؟. في زمن الوحشية المطبق تنهش غيلان العولمة كيان البشر وتستقطر مصاصي الدماء أرواح وآمال الشعوب , وتتراقص عفاريت الانحطاط والابتذال في قنوات الفن والعلم والتربية . ويبحث الإنسان عن مفر فتطبق عليه أفاعي المحن والفقر والأمراض وتنهشه كلاب التسلط والغطرسة وتعبث به عفاريت الفساد لكن الأسطورة تقول إذا عمّ العالم الفساد فإن الله يرسل على الأرض الطوفان!. فهل يوجد طوفاناً أبشع مما قد صارت إليه البشرية الآن؟. علماء البيئة أكدت أن التغيرات البيئية ستساعد في الزمن القريب على تفكك المفاصل القاريّة , وبالتالي ستغوص القشرة الأرضية في قاع الماغما أي باطن الأرض , وربما لا تحتاج البشرية انتظار هذا الزمن القريب , فالقنابل النوويّة والبيولوجية والكيميائية ربما تؤدي هذه المهمة في أي لحظة ممكنة !. ترى ما الجرم الذي ارتكبته البشرية حتى أصبح ينتظرها هذا المستقبل المزري ؟. علماء النفس تقول إن الإنسان كائن أخلاقي وهذا يعني أنه يقدم مصالحه الإنسانية وقيمه العليا على مصالحه المادية والبيولوجية والشخصية . من هذا السياق ترى هل إنساننا الحالي كائناً أخلاقياً ؟. هل تحقق العولمة المصالح الإنسانية بعيدة عن تحقيق مصالحها القومية ؟. هل تحقق التجمعات البشرية المختلفة , المصالح الإنسانية بعيدة عن تحقيق مصالحها المادية ورغبة التفوق والسيطرة ؟. هوميروس وأفلاطون أكدا أن سبب دمار وغرق قارة أطلنطا يعود إلى الفساد الذي دبّ في كيان مجتمعها المتطور آنذاك , ففتح البحر شدقيه وابتلعها . ترى هل يعيد التاريخ نفسه ويبتلعنا البحر كما ابتلع غيرنا ؟. هذا التساؤل يفتح أمامنا تساؤل آخر هو : هل حقاً وجدت في يوم من الأيام قارة أطلنطا ؟. دأب العلماء في القرن الماضي البحث عن الحضارات الضائعة فاستوقفتهم النتائج التالية : أولاً : عثر الإنسان في قاع البحر المتوسط وفي خليج المكسيك وفي بحار جنوب شرق آسيا على مدن غارقة في البحر منذ عشرات آلاف السنين , فاستنتجوا وجود الإنسان العاقل في عصر يسبق إنساننا الحالي . مما يؤكد وجود عشرات من الحضارات الضائعة . ثانياً : عثر الباحثون في مصر على حجر ديندرا , يحدد وضعاً فلكياً يعود إلى تاريخ 11800 قبل الميلاد . ومن جهة أخرى أكد العلماء أن الآلات التي صقلت حجارة الأهرامات المصرية لا تقل تطوراً عن تقنية آلاتنا المعاصرة , وتساءلوا من أين أتى المصري القديم بهذه الآلات وكيف حصل على رياضيا ته وعلومه الفلكية والكيميائية المتفوقة !؟. ثالثاً : وجد علماء الآثار في أمريكا الجنوبية آثار لمهابط سفن فضائية ونحوتات لرواد بلباس فضائي و وتساءل الباحثون ما هي مبررات وجودها لو لم تكن تمس الحقيقة ؟!. رابعاً : لازال الباحثون حائرون في إيجاد تفسيرات لاختفاء السفن والطائرات في مثلث برمودا ولرؤية الصحون الطائرة بالرغم من الأحداث التي يرويها ويؤكدها شهود عيان في مختلف أصقاع الأرض . خامساً : وقاد علماء فيزياء ميكانيك الكوانتي الفكر باتجاه الحيرة ولارتباك عندما أثبت وجود مادة أخرى نظيرة لمادتنا ,لا تقوم مادتنا إلا بوجودها , وأكدت وجود عوالم موازية لعالمنا . ووضعت مكانيك الكوانتي بين أيدي البشرية اكتشافاً مربكاً هو النترينو الخالي من الشحنة والكتلة واعتبروه مادة روحية حقيقية. سادساً : لازال الباحثون حائرون في سر تأكيد الحكماء والمتصوفون ممن تمكنوا من استبصار المادة الروحية , بوجود مملكة شمبالا التي تقطنها الكائنات السامية , وإن هذه المملكة ستسود العالم في يوم من الأيام وتملأه قسطاً وعدلاً كما ملأ جوراً وظلمة . من هنا نخلص إلى القول : أن حضارات لا تقل تطوراً عن حضارتنا المعاصرة , قد وجدت في الأزمنة الماضية , وأن دمارها جاء نتيجة حتمية للفساد . وبما أن فسادنا اليوم لا يقل عن فساد حضارات الأمس , فقريباً ستجد البشرية نفسها هائمة على وجهها , باحثة عن الخلاص , وستكتشف أن خلاصها كان منذ البداية أقرب إليها من حبل الوريد , ألا وهو الأخلاق والفضيلة . من هنا جاء إنشاء هذا الموقع تحت شعار بالفضيلة تشرق شمس الحقيقة . غايتنا إعادة النظر في مسا لكنا الأخلاقية ومخزوناتنا المعرفية لنتمكن من إنقاذ ما يمكن إنقاذه قبل الدمار الأخير . ونتشرف بنشر مساهماتكم في هذا السياق , وأن نسلط معاً الضوء على الحضارات الضائعة والحضارات الخفية ليتسنى لنا إعادة استقراء جذورنا الإنسانية الأصيلة تمكننا العودة إلى بيتنا القديم الجديد. للاتصال Email : barakat@sunoftruth.com
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