Stephan A. Shwartz


The Scientific & Medical Network

Stephan A. Shwartz

Stephan A. Shwartz

Welcome to my site...

My life has been spent exploring extraordinary human functioning, and how individuals and small groups can, and have, effected social change. I’ve done this both as an experimentalist in parapsychology, and by being privileged to have been a part of several major social transformations: civil rights in the 1960s, the transformation of the military from an elitist conscription organization to an all-voluntary meritocracy in the 70s, and citizen diplomacy between the United States and the Soviet Union in the 80s and 90s. Both the experiences and the research have convinced me that all life is inter-connected and interdependent; which you’ll see reflected in the site’s several sections: my books, and research papers on Remote Viewing and Archaeology, Anthropology, Medicine and Healing, Creativity, and Social Policy; magazine articles and interviews; biographical material; and, experiential tapes, CDs, videos, and DVDs. You can read much of this material online, and download what you find of particular interest. Finally, I want to encourage you to use the electronic philanthropy buttons at the bottom of this page.

Thank you for visiting.

Website: http://www.stephanashwartz.com

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The Scientific & Medical Network

“Promoting open exploration in science and human experience”


The Network in a Nutshell

The Scientific and Medical Network is a UK-based educational charitable trust founded in 1973. It is an informal international group consisting of qualified scientists and doctors, together with other professionals such as psychologists, engineers, philosophers, and therapists. The Network currently has over 2000 professional members and 800 associates in 53 countries.

Network members explore concepts that go beyond generally accepted theories through its expressed guidelines which are:

Open to new observations and insights

Rigorous in evaluating evidence and ideas

Responsible in maintaining the highest scientific and ethical standards

Sensitive to the view of others

The Network links like-minded individuals, encouraging exchange of ideas and information and cultivating friendship. Members share a common concern with the essential questions about the meaning and value of life.

The Network does not embrace the unorthodox for its own sake; it is not "anti-establishment", but its members support the freedom to develop any worthwhile field of study, even if this means moving beyond what is currently considered scientifically plausible.

The Network encourages intellectual discernment and is wary of consequences of ill-founded and over-enthusiastic claims often made in the areas of pseudo-science.


To deepen understanding in science, medicine and education by fostering both rational analysis and intuitive insights.



Bear in mind that good science is an open self-correcting system; no theory or set of insights is complete or perfect.

There is no Network consensus view.

Be ready to consider constructive criticism and to submit your work to rigorous examination.

Be prepared to revise beliefs in the light of evidence and experience.

Question your own assumptions and presuppositions.

Maintain a broad frame of reference.

Cultivate humility, honesty and humour.


Recognise that our views of reality are models.

Be prepared to test your ideas.

Try to define your terms clearly.

Make it clear when you are voicing opinions and beliefs

Be able to state opposing viewpoints in argument.

Care of Others

Have respect and empathy for others and be aware of their needs.

Balance kindness and understanding with clarity and discernment.

Be willing to listen and learn from others in the interests of trust and openness.

Disagree sympathetically, sensitively and constructively.

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 الصفحة الأولى

Front Page



منقولات روحيّة

Spiritual Traditions



 قيم خالدة

Perennial Ethics





 طبابة بديلة

Alternative Medicine

 إيكولوجيا عميقة

Deep Ecology

علم نفس الأعماق

Depth Psychology

اللاعنف والمقاومة

Nonviolence & Resistance



 كتب وقراءات

Books & Readings




On the Lookout

The Sycamore Center

للاتصال بنا 

الهاتف: 3312257 - 11 - 963

العنوان: ص. ب.: 5866 - دمشق/ سورية

maaber@scs-net.org  :البريد الإلكتروني

  ساعد في التنضيد: لمى       الأخرس، لوسي خير بك، نبيل سلامة، هفال       يوسف وديمة عبّود