C. G. Jung


I. I. T. P. M. & H. H.

كارل غوستاف يونغ

The Washington Society for Jungian Psychology

Meet Other Jungians and Discuss Lectures and Ideas
The Society has created two forums for members and others interested in the psychology of C. G. Jung to share ideas and discuss recent events.
The first is our WSJP Message Board. Here, members and friends discuss recent program and lectures, current events, or maybe even share a recent dream. The web board is organized by topic and is very simple to use, even for beginners. Anyone can participate, though you are required to register a unique e-mail address.
The second forum is our own e-mail list server, powered by eGroups. The name of our e-mail group is www.jung.org, and when you sign up for it, you can send e-mail to all other group members just by sending it to jung-dot-org@egroups.com. Subscriptions to our group are moderated to protect our members from unsolicited commercial e-mail, and our sponsorship means that no advertising will appear on e-mail sent to the group! Please, feel free to join!

The WSJP Quarterly Newsletter
The Spring 2001 WSJP Newsletter is now available on-line!
In order to view and print the newsletter, you must have installed the latest version of the free Adobe Acrobat Reader (version 4 or later) on your computer.
To obtain the latest version of the Adobe Acrobat Reader, or for complete instructions for downloading and installing the software on your computer, click on the button below.
The Fall 2000 WSJP Newsletter is still available, in case you missed it. So is the Winter 2001 WSJP Newsletter.  

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The International Institute for Transpersonal Psychology Meditation & Holistic Healing


The institute offers training, courses and seminars worldwide covering the following subjects: meditation for beginners and advanced practitioners, theory and practise of the process of spiritual transformation, assistance in spiritual emergencies, Aura-Soma colour therapy, seminars to counteract the burn-out program (energetic regeneration for members of the healing professions) spiritual work with women.


Eva Maria Fiebelkorn is mother of four adult children. Since 30 years she is walking on her spiritual path, having been a pioneer in most of the spiritual teachings and healing systems she so encountered. Her most influential teachers were Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Mother Meera, Barry Long and Vicky Wall. Eva Maria Fiebelkorn helps people to find a deeper truth in themselves in a very direct and loving way.

Dipl.-Psych. Frank Huber studied academic psychology at Frankfurt University. Over the last 20 years he involved himself primarily in studying the spiritual dimensions and possibilities of the human being, meeting and learning from various spiritual teachers like J. Krishnamurti, Jean Klein, Barry Long, Mother Meera and Vicky Wall. During the seminars, Frank Huber shares the essence of his understanding.

For contact and further information you may contact:

Frank Huber, psychologist, ph.: +49 (0) 6108 74705

Email: <Frank_Huber@T-Online.de>

Eva M. Fiebelkorn, ph./fax: +49 (0) 6433 6505

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منقولات روحيّة

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Perennial Ethics





 طبابة بديلة

Alternative Medicine

 إيكولوجيا عميقة

Deep Ecology

علم نفس الأعماق

Depth Psychology

اللاعنف والمقاومة

Nonviolence & Resistance



 كتب وقراءات

Books & Readings




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The Sycamore Center

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maaber@scs-net.org  :البريد الإلكتروني

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