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 الصفحة السابقة


Paul Cézanne. Young Man with a Skull. 1896-98. Oil on canvas. Barnes Foundation, Lincoln University, Philadelphia, PA, USA. Paul Cézanne. Woman with Coffee Pot. c. 1890-95. Oil on canvas. Musée d'Orsay, Paris, France.
Paul Cézanne. The Mount of St.Victoria (La Montagne Sainte-Victoire). c. 1897-98. Oil on canvas. Collection of B. Köller, Berlin. Now in the Hermitage, St. Petersburg, Russia. Paul Cézanne. Mount Sainte-Victoire. 1900. Oil on canvas. The Hermitage, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Paul Cézanne. A Buffet. Oil on canvas. Art Museum, Bucharest, Romania. Paul Cézanne. Vase with Flowers. Chrysanthemums. c. 1900. Oil on canvas. Barnes Foundation, Lincoln University, Philadelphia, PA, USA.

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