لوحات مختارة

فرانشيسكو غويا

 لوحات مختارة

 الصفحة السابقة


Time of the Old Women, Oil on canvas, 181 x 125 cm. Musée des Beaux-Arts, Lille, France.

Saturn Devouring One of His Chidren, Oil on canvas, 146 x 83 cm. Museo del Prado, Madrid, Spain.

The Colossus, Oil on canvas, 116 x 105 cm. Museo del Prado, Madrid, Spain.

The Milkmaid, Oil on canvas, 74 x 68 cm. Museo del Prado, Madrid.

The Giant. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.

Leocadia, 147 x 132 cm, Oil on plaster remounted on canvas. Museo del Prado, Madrid.

Contra el bien general. (Against the common good). Plate 71 from Los desastres de la Guerra, 17.7 x 22.1 cm. Etching and burnisher.

This is worse, 15.7 x 20.7 cm.

They say yes and give their hand to the first comer, 21.8 x 15.4 cm.

 الصفحة السابقة


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