لوحات مختارة

ديغو دي ريفيرا

لوحات مختارة

الصفحة التالية

 الصفحة السابقة


Night of the Poor. 1928. Fresco. North wall, Courtyard of the Fiestas, Ministry of Education, Mexico City, Mexico.

The History of Cuernavaca and Morelos - The Enslavement of the Indian and Constructiong the Cortez Palace. Detail. 1929-30. Fresco. Cortez Palace, Cuernavaca, Mexico.

Detroit Industry. South wall. 1932-33. Fresco. The Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit, Michigan, USA.


The Land's Bounty Rightfully Possessed. 1926. Fresco. Chapel, ceilling bay, Autonomous University of Chapingo, Mexico.

Detroit Industry. North wall. 1932-33. Fresco. The Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit, Michigan, USA.

The Making of a Fresco, Showing the Building of a City. 1931. Fresco. San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco, California.

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