راسلونا Al Himar (The Donkey)
Non-periodical Political Comic's Webzine
لم  يعد بالوسع  أن نقول أيهما هو الآخر - جورج  أورويل
Already it was impossible to say which was which - Georges Orwell



عالميات  لهذا الإصدار  

Ares, Mexico/Cuba, caglecartoons.com
Patrick Chappatte, Cartoons on World Affairs
Patrick's cartoons appear in the Geneva daily "Le Temps" and in the Sunday edition of the Neue Zurcher Zeitung. He also does a weekly cartoon for the International Herald Tribune

Christo Komarnitski, Sofia, Bulgaria
Cartoons from the Bulgarian newspaper "Sega"

موقع كاريكاتوري ملحق بمعابر

 العنوان ص. ب.: 5866 دمشق - سورية

هاتف: 3312257